Cataract surgery is a surgical procedure performed on cataract sufferers, which is a disease that occurs due to cloudy lens of the eye and disturbs the view. Cataracts can occur in one or both eyes. This disease often occurs in the elderly, but in some cases, it can also occur in newborns or children. Under normal conditions, the lens of the eye will be clear because it matches its function, which is to pass light into the retina. If someone suffers from cataracts, the lens of the eye will feel cloudy and turbidity will increase slowly. The presence of cataracts makes it difficult for sufferers to carry out daily activities due to disturbed vision. Until now the process of the emergence of cataracts in a person has not been known with certainty. Besides being caused by aging, cataracts can also occur due to genetic diseases, enzyme disorders, and infections. Lens blurring can develop faster if there is an eye injury or inflammation of the eye tissue (intraocular inflammation). Cata...